We are a research group at UAM and FLACSO, coordinated by M. Carretero, who study the learning and teaching of knowledge of the past, and its relationship with the uses of history and memory, both in formal (school) and informal (commemorations and museums, among others) contexts. Our approach is based on contributions from psychology and education, approaching an interdisciplinary approach and paying attention to cultural debates on the role of history in today’s societies.

How can history be taught and learned in order to promote democratic, reflective, and inclusive societies?


We carry out basic and applied research aimed at producing digital teaching materials (Pensar la Historia) and virtual courses in order to make history teaching a complex, critical and reflective activity. More than 25000 teachers from different Latin American countries (Argentina, Colombia, Chile, Peru, among others) and Spain have participated in our courses.
Our activity is carried out at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM) and FLACSO (Argentina). Their cooperation is driven by a Teaching and Research Collaboration Agreement, coordinated by M. Carretero, who works at both institutions.



Our team has collaborated with different research groups. We have highlighted the following, with whom we have recently carried out research, publications, and joint activities:
Centre of Historical Culture, Erasmus University Rotterdam
M. Grever y R.J. Adriaansen
Niels Bohr Centre for Cultural Psychology, Aalborg University
B. Wagoner
Department of Psychology, Cyprus University
C. Psaltis
Centre for Applied Ethics, University of Deusto
Á. Bermudez
Project Zero of HGSE, Harvard University
Liz Dawes Duraisingh