Our group has been intensely working for a long time on pioneering international research on the development of historical thinking. As early as 1992 and 1994 we have held two seminars, funded by UAM, the AEI and the Spain-USA Joint Committee for Cultural and Scientific Affairs, which resulted in the books Cognitive and Instructional Processes in History and Social Sciences (Erlbaum) (Carretero and Voss, 1994) and Learning and Reasoning in History (Routledge) (Voss and Carretero, 1998) with contributions by seminal authors in the field of history education, such as S. Wineburg, P. Lee, J. Wertsch, B. von Borries. These publications contributed to establishing and strengthening the area of history education as a field of study, with ties to the processes of knowledge construction, text comprehension, historical problem-solving and relations with collective memory. Since that time, new and varied topics have developed by the Seminars organized by our group.